Monday, October 19, 2009

Three Blind Mice?

...More like one big fat one that WAS inhabiting the space underneath my fridge and eating my better biscuits.

Proof?Apparently mice also enjoy hand soap as a fine delicacy.

Act 1: Scene 1Courtney Vs. Mouse
-Courtney wakes in the middle of the night to something scurrying along her bedframe climbing her nightstand/modified desk.
-Courtney is pissed. AND tired.
-Courtney puts in hear earplugs and chooses not to hear the mouse eating everything in sight.
Scene 2:
-Courtney arises in the morning to find all her biscuits gnawed at (btw cookies are known as biscuits here...damn that British colonization)
-She searches for any potential rat holes, finds where she thinks they came from and plugs them up.
Scene 3: It's Go-Time
-On the morning Courtney was planning on buying some rat poison (after arising yet again to more biscuits broken into), she is suddenly distracted. By what you ask? by the rumbling that's going on beneath her fridge.
-'Ha HAH' She thinks, and actually says outloud 'It's Go-Time Mouse!'
-Knowing that the mouse will more than likely NOT run out the wide open back door but will probably want to run into her room, she blocks off the hallway with boxes and wood.
-She very quickly removes everything off the floor that would make a new home for this parasite and grabs the broom.
-With a few quick swishes underneath the fridge, a giant mouse scurries out from underneath, and (as predicted) makes a getaway to her room. He's suddenly smashes into the excellently crafted wall and heads back towards the fridge. Courtney dashes in it's way to block it and makes 3 quick swipes with the broom (screaming the whole time of course). On the 3rd flick the mouse is flung out the door, leaving Courtney's house in peace (and with a half gnawed soap bar).

End Scene.
And something I just noticed that gave me quite a giggle is how the brooms here look like Harry Potter broomstick's! woohoo! Actually the one in the pic below is a newer and not so beaten up one.

I can't tell you how SERIOUSLY effective these brooms are. It's crazy. They're made out of coconut leaves. The Fijian people are amazing at using the resources they have at hand. For example every part of the coconut tree is used for something: coconuts- obviously for eating, the coconut shells- used for drinking grog, leaves- brooms and also for things with underground fire cooking aka lovo's, the husks- used in wetland areas to soak up liquids.

'Tools and Hardware' for $500 please....

Question: A necessity for Fiji Living.
Answer: What is a GIANT cane knife?
That is correct.

So I finally realized you can't exist without one of these. And YES it will be coming back with me to the states as a prized possession. Turns out you can't do a lot of things without them, those things including: cracking coconuts, cutting giant weed-trees, killing people, etc.

It's come to the point where 'yard work' has taken on a whole new level. No wonder the boys here are so jacked. I hope to register in the National Arm Wrestling Tournament 2011 when I return.

My house is coming along a lot better though...I've painted my walls with fun designs, put up pictures, and hanging deco's to make my house feel more home-y. It's taking a whole but it's getting there (also being the status of my spice collection- DG feels me on this)

In the meantime I've been compiling a few lists of ridiculous things I've heard/and now say ONLY because I am a. in Fiji and/or b. A please enjoy the following:

Things you would only hear a Volunteer say:
-What else do you do with your time? Existing takes time. -Sally
-What else do you keep in your shells? -Asked to Goldman
-Would you like some of my resources? -Christian
-Bugs are just apart of my life right now. -Goldman
-A kid took a dump on my front porch today. -Jewels
-I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts. -Me. (and I actually do!)

-I couldn't exist without eggplants. All vol's

-Also, you know you're a volunteer when you sleep with a can of bug spray beneath your I do. :0)

Things you would only hear in Fiji:
-Oooh she/he's very smart with that. (they say this instead of 'you're good at something')
-Rubbish instead of Trash
-Torch instead of Flashlight (really, am I really holding a damn torch?)

-the pounding of the grog/yangona they drink there. It's a root plant they pound into powder, then mix with water, then drink. It looks and tastes like mud. quite the Fijian delicacy.

-the kissy noises Fijians are EXCELLENT at making. They do this to get someone's attention for anything. And somehow they can make it so loud you could hear them accross a busy road. I've been practicing but am not that good...I think it's because they all have giant lips here.

Also, something I feel like everyone might get a good laugh out of is the theme ideas for some paraphernalia the pcv's have decided to make:

T-SHirt ideas include:
Dalo Happens (google what Dalo is....not too tasty)
Dalo Happens, and so do parasites.
Worms happen.
(Is anyone seeing a trend? I feel like the real shirt idea should be:
'[Insert any disgusting skin disease here] Happens.')

We also want to make a bracelet that says 'WWSD' = What Would Sat Do?
Sat being our safety and security officer who WILL come a runnin' if need be. :0)

I thought you guys would enjoy's little things like this that give you a better idea of life in Fiji.