Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why is EVERYTHING molding!?!?!?

Here's a list of the following things that have started molding at my place:
  • suitcases
  • cooking chopsticks (yes, I use them...I make tempura sometimes)
  • my roti roller
  • shoes
  • dressers
  • small handbag
  • almost all of my hand towels
  • bathing suit
  • leather journal
  • PILLS(actually that's incorrect, but they have succumbed to the moisture)
Don't get me wrong, I love Fiji; but there's just things that set you back mold for example.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Doesn't this kid scare ya' just a bit?

He sure shocked the hell outta me when I turned to see him. No really, I jumped back a bit...I kind of felt bad. At many of the South Indians' functions, it's their custom to dress up their kids like this.

Anyways, the convention this past weekend was actually a giant fart and a half, and that's me being eloquent. I can't go into details because you never know who's reading, but really...we worked so damn hard picking up from other people's slack...and died of sweat doing it. Not to mention the cultural struggles I went through, from being American (and therefore having a different work ethic) and also from being a woman. cool.

But still it was good, and it was good to meet a lot of the memebrs and show support. AND now we OFFICIALLY HAVE A WEBSITE...with it's domain name being as follows:

hells to the yeah. My next projects before I go for vacay include: updating the new Hindi language traninig manual for the new volunteers (I can't believe the next round of vol's will be here after a month!), putting on a business workshop with some women who want to start local businesses, and helping show a friend how to create a website for his own volunteer organization.
Not to mention I have plenty of people/host fam's to visit before I go. I feel like a giant chunk of my life here includes being one giant social butterfly. Most days I'm cool with it, it's the other days when I realize I've gained 5 pounds from all the hindi food that I hate it. Plus...sometimes, my Hindi just doesn't function.

anywho. I need a break...that's where I'm at w/ Fiji and all it's Fiji-ness. :0)