Monday, May 23, 2011

Wonderful Weekend- Thanks, Fiji!

 For the first time in my life I feel like I've BEEN somewhere for 2 years...I don't have any of the typical feelings of 'oh time went by so fast' or 'where has the time gone'. I'm not saying it's a bad's actually quite nice to just just nod my head and say 'YES, I DID that. And it was good.'

We had a pretty big training this week (new volunteers are HERE- ahh! I'm helping train them on a bit of the Indian stuff and how to deal with Safety & Security issues), and after that a small group of us headed to an 'eco lodge' here on Viti Levu that was of course run by the local village. (sidenote: I'm realizing that people back home think we go to resort's all the time or feel like we 'hit the jackpot'. But I would just like to say although the places we go to are naturally beautiful [which we DO appreciate]..we're still not in paradise. The local 'lodge's' are rustic to say the least and often times we still feel like we're in the village/settlement. As Americans we have all these expectations of what a resort/vacation should be like and 95% of the time those expectations are unmet. For example: having your feet be dirty/sandy the entire time you're on vacation, being hot/sticky the entire time because of lack of air conditioning, our reservations/rooming situations never being what we asked for/planned on, and having a margarita or a Corona in your hand is just not existent. And I don't want to complain by any means, I just want to give people an understanding. EVERYWHERE in the world has positives and negatives to where you live.)

SO ANYWAYS- back to the good stuff: we had a SUPER fun weekend played volleyball, played on the black sand beaches (cool side fact: white sandy beaches come from parrot-fish eating the coral and then small sand particles come out of their booties. However, black sandy beaches means that there is a river/water source that flows from inland (near volcanic rock) and flows down to the beach. The black sand is much more fine because the particles break off in smaller pieces when the river carries it- COOL), had good food (fresh curried prawns, lovo, and coconut mussels- these things are HEAVENLY), and then went on this Dolphin Watch + Snorkel excursion the last day! AWESOME!

Saw around 100 spinner dolphins...they come in to a bit shallower waters, near large mass of crescent moon shaped coral and then head out to feed at night. They broke up into smaller 'clique's' and would swim in neat to watch. And some of them would do tricks for us, jumping in and out of the water spinning forward and laterally! Then we went to a different area to snorkel in more shallow waters (I mean...we still couldn't see the bottom) but the coral WAS GIANT and the species were so diverse. Just really neat. I didn't see anything new really but we did see a small nudibranch black with lime green design) and some really beautiful and bright colored small fish (orange, magenta's rich purple's).

ON the way home we managed to find transport in a minivan that came by we were jammin' out to Fijian Christian music- really you guys have no idea. It was a very surreal moment...looking out the window, reflecting on the past two years. After that we came home and I somehow churned out a full load of laundry (by hand as always), a banana cake AND a cobbler. took me 2.5 seconds to fall straight asleep. Thank you Jesus for a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

April Fools!

for the entire month? YES.
a low point of my service....
Close Of Service (COS) Conference @ the Pearl!
So this past Saturday afternoon I found myself just lying in a sports bra and underwear doing nothing but sweating. I decided enough was enough and that it was better to sweat with my local friends as opposed to sweating by myself. I went over to my neighbors house (fully clothed) to deliver some Fiji famous peanut brittle that my Uncle Ray sent me! 5 hours later of sitting around, learning swear words in Hindi, and goofy Indian dancing we had a pretty fun time! During this time my friends and I were talking about where I've been for the past month....and this friends is what happened:

week 1: mid week, on my way into work, feelin' good and lookin' good, I slip and fall uneventfully in some murky water on the sidewalk. I fracture my right pinky toe and am forced on crutches. This was definitely a low point in my service, mostly because I was having yet another security issue with some half crazy half drunk fijian dude who was harassing me a bit and trying to follow me.
week 2: still on crutches, had some nice raspberries forming underneath my arms.
week3: stayed at my house for just one night then had to head straight to our COS (Close Of Service) Conference which was at a nicer hotel that DID have awesome food. It was kind of a whirlwind of emotions because I kind of just wanted to be home and rest, and I wasn't mentally ready for the Pearl and to be around my whole group. But it turned out to be pretty great and we had a good time in the AIR CONDITIONING! weeeee! but it was a bit of a bummer when I'd go to eat because my stomach bacteria I have was acting up and I couldn't eat as much as I wanted to....maybe that was actually a good thing. ;0)
week 4: went straight from my conference back to my Organization's Annual Convention that happens every year over Easter (over the Public Holiday of course...I was a bit bummed because all my friends were hanging out BUT it turned out it was great I was there). At our table this year I did face painting for the kids for any kind of donation and it was a big hit! At one point I had like 25 kids around me (a bit stressful) and I made enough to buy some plants for the office that I've been wanting to plant here. :0) And to end my week I headed out to the YASAWAS with my friends, Kara and Jewels! The Yasawas are the 'tourist islands' that truly are BEAUTIFUL with some of the bluest water I have ever seen. Hands down. Fiji's treasure trove for sure. As amazing as it was (also with AWESOME food) :0) I wound up getting the flu AGAIN with shivers and the sweats. At my lowest point I had signed up for a massage and by the end I could actually feel blood flowing in my body again and felt MUCH better after that. Kara also wound up getting a bit sick too....she actually fainted during breakfast and we had to carry her to our bure. a bunch of sickies! but luckily we both felt better and were still able to enjoy the amazing island we were on.

NO this is not a swimming pool- OCEAN baby!
Jewels and I on the beach!

Harry Potter anyone!? YES!

On the last morning Kara and I went snorkeling in their AMAZING coral reef and saw a bunch of new fish we'd never seen:
-school of squid! they're AWESOME looking and change colors when you get close
-rare rockmover wrasse: they're tiny, Kara spotted it and kind of float like they're a piece of seaweed
-saw my first boxfish: black with orange spots
-counted 10 giant clams
-2 ft long cornetfish
- really interesting trumpet and filefishies as well!

We were out there giggling like little school girls - So that was my April, hope you guys enjoyed it! :0)