Wednesday, August 18, 2010

the good AND the bad

so a long time ago I threw out the idea that we should have a weekly team meeting to go over our projects, updates, etc. aka how it is in America. It happened about once in the beginning after the idea was thrown out,  but then kind of fizzled. However, we just started it back up again as my co-worker mentioned he wanted to make this a very professional office. I was thrilled and thought it was a great idea...every Wednesday at 3pm. We had our first one this week, and although it started out great (and finished well I would say)...somewhere in the middle I got called racist by a different co-worker. In his defense I think he mistakenly interpreted me saying 'don't insult my intelligence' for 'I'm more intelligent than you' who knows. Luckily I controlled myself and followed up how it's common for teams to have problems but that it's important to handle them in a professional, constructive, and polite manner. However I did get back at him just a little when I turned to him and said 'For example, calling me racist was out of line.'  I don't want to get into the details as it's not important, but basically it got pulled out as one of those 'I've got nothing else so this is a last resort' kind of line.  anyways, still felt it was a successful meeting as it opened the door for the team to meet once a week to talk and get these problems out! I know this isn't the happiest of blogs but I just want to be real about stuff! Oh and to end on a good note- went to a dance show for elementary school kids and I will say that I had a great time as Fiji NEVER lets me down on providing bumpin' sneaking some grog in added to the fun!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

It happens to the best of us...

me and my pills
Well everyone, this definitely isn't my proudest moment. I was really hoping that I would be able to say I went a full two years without getting one; sadly, Fiji has gotten the best of me. Late Friday night, my armpit started feeling a little funny and just a bit sore. Thought it would go away, but when I arose the next morning panic shot through my body. 'Sweet Jisu (Jesus)! It can't just can't be! I swear I have good hygiene and shower multiple times a day, I just don't understand, how did this happen to me?But wait, I did shave my underarms yesterday morning..could it have? No..but then how?'.  That's right people, just half a day after shaving my underarms in the morning, a boil the size of a marble had formed in my armpit. They're very common here and almost impossible to avoid. I personally think it has a lot to do with cold showers, but you'll hear all kinds of reasons. Tell you what though, I was at the Peace Corps Medical Office so fast like a hook worm on your toe. awesome.

This  photo is of my healing dog bite. It wasn't bad at all and it only bled a few drops. My host brother's dog bit me (in it's defense it only wanted to play. Animals are treated horribly here and are not looked upon as pets. In my effort to show them that dogs could be nice and playful, their biggest dog got the best of me. I felt bad because he only wanted to play more and only bit me when I walked away). Anyway, for some reason when you get bites or cuts here....your skin kind of goes brown and then after a few weeks goes back to normal, not sure why.

Thought I'd post this to show my finger fungus (that I first noticed I had on the plane over to America for my sister's wedding). I'm pretty sure I got it while planting seeds in my garden..but it's almost back to normal now. The nail grew off and it's almost back to a normal length. I think it would have been healed much sooner had I actually stuck with taking the pills to get rid of finger fungi. However, seeing as they're hard on your liver, I opted not to as I drink too much grog in the evenings. It's Fiji. :0)

Other than my ailments, I had a really good time in Sigatoka (quaint town on the coral coast) visiting other volunteers in the area and also selling our Sanatan paraphernalia at our soccer tournament. This photo is from an old bridge along the Sigatoka river that was halfway destroyed because of a flood/cyclone a few years ago. Sean lives in a village just off the coast where he's done a lot with marine center at a neighboring resort. I'm totally jealous but every site has it's positives and negatives....but still I'm jealous. :0) We made some super tasty bruschetta and homemade muesli which I WILL be making again. Super fun trip and super glad I went!
Sean in his village!
sitting on the old Sigatoka Bridge
At our table selling Sanatan Logo stuff!