Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Laminating Machines and Caesar Salads

So I know I don't usually post things about what I'm actually doing here all that often, so this is dedicated to my family back home who say that I 'vacation way too much' ;0)

What I've been working on lately has been: the Sanatan Scrapbook, photo shown to the left, where we put all of our newspaper clippings, invitations, etc; Compost bin- still a work in progress, suppose to be painting it this week...but knowing Fiji, it'll be another week or two; Our Diwali Edition Newsletter, Diwali is their really big celebration: 'Festival of Lights' and similar to our Christmas; Facebook profile and group page for my organization in an effort to reach out to youth; Maintaining our website using googlesites... These are some of my main projects I've been working on among many other small, 'day-to-day' ones.

Laminating Machine Story
So we found this old, small laminating machine when
we shifted to our new office. Roshni was too scared to use it so I said
we'd bust it out and have a go at it, especially since we were in
desperate need of one to make our membership certificates (and were worried because we knew there was no money for one). Turns out
it's embarrassingly easy to laminate things. After our first laminated membership certificate came out...Roshni and I seriously did a happy dance in the's the little things.

Random but goodie. This one I came across on my visit to Sigatoka town....
What the Typical Caesar Salad in Fiji consists of:
a salad mixed with an Italian + Mayonnaise dressing (barf), boiled chicken, and topped with a fried egg. wtf.

And the following are just typical realizations from life in Fiji. :0) Despite everything, I really do love this place. 

You know you've been in Fiji too long when:
-As you go to use the restroom, you go to pull your shorts up (instead of down) seeing as you wear skirts that often.
-You have conversations with yourself in the mirror, especially in a British accent (shoutout to my besties). 100% pathetic. 
-you don't get shocked when you see piles of ants carrying away your toenail clippings to feast on later.  That happened. [As a side note I think I really just have an ant problem...In fact, the other day I killed a giant spider and thought I'd keep it to send home to my little bro in an envelope. Next morning I woke up, and thought 'hey, where'd that dead spider go...I could have sworn I put it right here last night.' I then looked around for it on the floor thinking I had knocked it off the table or something. Nope. It was being carried away by a bunch of ravenous ants.]

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