Monday, November 30, 2009

Courtney's Christmas List

OK so I feel super awkward doing this BUT I've had a lot of people asking me what I needed and I'd definitely rather get things I need rather than things I might not use/not be able to use. :0) SO here it is.

  • a few blank CD's (they're expensive here)
  • Cookbook: How to cook healthy Indian Food (I saw a cookbooklike this in half price books and could definitely use this for health sessions)
  • graham crackers- you can't get them here
  • waterproof disposable camera
  • 1 wash cloth size paktowel (REI) -one I can carry around with me in my purse
  • 1 longer short sleeved rash guard- small/medium. (I think they might be on sale in america since it's wintertime...BUT if anyone has one I can borrow or something that would be doubly awesome!)
  • a stain remover for curry...good god when you spill that stuff on your clothes there's NO chance it's coming out
  • 1 packet of clothing dye- plum
  • small travel 2009-2010 planner (one that has space for each day where I can write in it what is due on that day aka ones that have like Mon-Tues-Wed on the left page and Thurs-Sun on eth right.) And if it has a place in either of the covers for a small pocket that's nice too...chck target, wal-mart, or barnes and Nobles
  • solo cups (great for our american get togethers...maybe if someone has a christmas party with them, you could put them in the washer and then send them to me) YES, you CAN put them in the washer. Reuse and Reduce baby.
  • Yogurt covered pretzels
  • Archer Farms Trail Mix single serving packets
  • anything Dark Choco for sure..
  • Revlon brand- Ped egg refill thingies (if you don't worries)
  • HEB Chocolate granola
  • cream of tartar (so i can make my host family playdough)
  • blow up globe...definitely going to use this (one we could toss around...the size of a basketball) (anyone have one of these on hand?)
  • I'm making handkerchiefs as christmas presents for my host-fam and friends here (they ALL use them here...its amazing). My mom brought the handkerchiefs but I was hoping for some stritching string and needles to stitch around the endges. also the small circle thing that holds the fabric taut woud be nice. (If anyone has this stuff in an old craft bin I would be more than happy just to borrow! seriously)
  • Travel size (like 5 of each): mascara's, contact solution, shampoo and conditioners, toothbrush, toothpaste, facewash- I'm always on the go and am staying at my host families houses (it's hard without a car here). And I feel these are things you guys might just already have i your house: ladies, the mascara- like the small ones you get from the freebie bags you get at makeup counters when you buy make-up!
  • any kind of candy/snack is always fun!
  • MY (2nd) BIGGEST WISH OF ALL IS THAT ALL OF THESE THINGS DON'T GET PURCHASED....more like if you've got it sitting around in a drawer somewhere and can pay for postage...I would love it. SERIOUSLY.
  • ACTUALLY my FIRST BIGGEST WISH is that I want all of you to know hot much i love and miss you guys. When my mom came to visit it really made me think how fortunate I am that I have so many awesome friends and family back home that really care about me. So thank you guys for being wonderful friends.

Ok, so there it is. and PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE don't feel like you HAVE to send a package. because you dont. Just email me updates about your life or just write me a long letter. It IS fun getting mail. I feel like an American when I get it.

I was thinking, as to not get duplicates of guys could write a comment on this post what you would be sending. Then other people could see and I promise not to look at the comments!

AND I'll be updating my blog this week (promise) on Halloween (SORRY it's a month late), Thanksgiving and when my mom came!

ok, over and out. xoxo




    Hola friends-
    I got Courtney five blank CDs, some dark chocolate, and travel sized toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, and two little things of contact solution (though she will still need more). I tried to find a blow up beach ball at Walmart but they said it wasn't "in season". This is Los Angeles, blow up beach balls are ALWAYS in season! Silly Walmart. Ok yay everyone let's complete courtney's wish list!

  2. the globe is taken care of ... i think the cookbook is too. i'm sending baby wipes, some nuts, and maybe a box of graham crackers.
