Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm so Excited!!!

with a giant sigh of relief, I present to everyoneSanata Dharm's Official website:

(keep in mind I haven't bought a doman name and still need to clean it up more, add more info and such) But I'm just so relieved it's finished in time for our Annual Convention which is this weekend (BOO for the fact that it's over Easter holiday though and all the other volunteers are going to the outer islands for their vaca...whatever. I'm over it though, because I get to COME HOME in 2-3 weeks and so maybe it's for the better that this Convention is keeping me busy until then).

Anyways, so we'll be having our Convention all weekend long on the western side of the island...aka sweat will be pouring from every pore in my body. can't wait. (please tell me you sense my sarcasm.) but after that's done then I'll be doing a business workshop which I am actually REALLY excited about...there are a few women who do sewing, cooking, etc and want to start small businesses from their homes. So I'm going to help them and I am really excited about that fo sho. :0)

ok, that's all for today...just a good day at the office!

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