Thursday, March 11, 2010

Moldy shoes and giant killer centipedes...

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Just 2 more things to add to the list of reasons why I love Fiji!

And that centipede may not look as 'life-size' as he really was...honestly. He was actually hanging daintily on the towel I wipe my face with. That was a nice surprise when I went to dry my face off, grabbed the towel, and a poisonous insect the size of my face flies off. Yes, he was that big. And with giant tarantula stingers at the end of his butt that I'm quite positive were meant for my eyes. regardless, I killed him and it felt good.

So 2 weekends ago I got to celebrate yet another Hindu Holiday called Holi (prophet Mohammed's B-day). It was super cool! I went back to my host village for the weekend where it was fun to celebrate with all my home peeps. So basically, what happens is all the boys go around from house to house playing the drums and singing. At each house they're given a treat to eat (of course) and they continue like this all throughout the settlement. At each house they throw powder and colored water on each other which is AWESOME and like paintball except without the guns.
I had a lot of fun playing with my host fam...eventually it turned into playing in the muddy water/throwing mud at each other, which we all know- I super love.
BUT because someone mixed the powder so strong and also because I'm the only blond-headed person they know....the end of the day came to a close with this:


  1. I showed everyone at work that centipede and we all cringed. Miss you! SEE YOU IN TWO MONTHS!!!

  2. Dear blogger-

    Hey, my name is Katherine Kovac and I am currently a Peace Corps Applicant blogging through Peace Corps Journals. I have greatly enjoyed the connections I have made through this site, and find it to be a essential source of information for anyone considering the Peace Corps in the future. I am currently a senior studying English at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, and for my senior Capstone Project, we are required to put together an ethnography, or a study of a culture or community. Because of my history with the Peace Corps Journals site and its bloggers, I decided to study this community of people who have come together, and the effects that these blogs have upon the bloggers, their readers, and the Peace Corps experience.
    In light of this, I wanted to ask a few bloggers whose sites I have found intriguing to personally participate in my project. Basically, all this would mean is that I would feature aspects of your blog in my project, and perhaps send you a few interview questions, just to get your opinion on the community. No names will be included in my project, and ages, locations, etc. will be withheld, as well.
    I greatly appreciate your consideration, and I have greatly enjoyed reading your blog. The Peace Corps Journals community has had an effect upon me, as I’m sure it has upon you, and this is something I would like to study on a larger scale. If you are interested, please email me at the address listed below.
    I thank you again,
    Katherine Kovac
