Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sights, Sounds, and Smells of Fiji- some are great, others not so much! :0)

Sights of Fiji:
-Indian kids playing with kites
-Fijian children pounding grog
-goats attached to random street poles
-wild mange dogs
-Wheel barrow boys- running inches next to bus, truly enjoying themselves and also trying to grab the first customers (who sell the dalo) who get off the bus
-the view from my host family's house in our training village. They were in the middle of nowhere near the Rewa River...so beautiful at sunrise!
-little kids peeing through the fence at the school I walk past everyday

Sounds of Fiji:
-wild dog fights
-crying babies
-pounding of grog
-Indo-Fijians singing their religious songs
-Church on Sundays...most beautiful of all
-cat calls: shoe repair/shoe shine boys- 'hello baby', 'very nice beautiful', 'I love you'....really? Because I'm pretty sure I don't know you!
-The kissy noise aka how you get someone's attention

Smells of Fiji:
-fresh bread from all the Hot Bread Kitchens (creams buns I will dearly miss!)
-fresh roti in the morning, especially at my host family's house
-rank body odo...usually on the bus, so you're stuck by them
-handmade coconut oil
-bug spray
-mouse pooh
-Indian curries -delicious
-However, people with bad curry breath - disgusting

I do enjoy this place....

1 comment:

  1. Courtney, My name is Bruce Herbert and I was PCV at the Wairiki Mission on Tavenui a long time ago.

    As it turns out, your brother, Kyle, is in my class. I am showing your blog and telling stories in class.

    Small world.
