Monday, June 13, 2011

Random Compilation of Stories...

...that I'm sure you're all just DYING to hear about. ;0)

Lessons Learned:
-People who have less give more
-Kindness knows no culture
-How wasteful Americans can be
-I like to cook and I'm pretty good at it
-I like to cook even more with groups
-Everything tastes better when you share
-I get comfortable with people much faster than they get comfortable with me
-I process things differently than other people
-I second guess myself far too much

 -the grass is always greener in the other village: as much as I enjoy visiting my friend's villages (and wish that I were in one), I've realized that every site has it's pro's and con's and that I should be content in the community I'm in...because it's a wonderful one.
My host mom sewing on her Singer peddle sewing machine!

Things I thought were extinct but aren't:
-Peddle sewing machines (see photo)
-plowing via cattle

Things that frustrate me about the Fijian Culture:
-When you ask questions that end in this or that? The answer from a local is always Yes.

Will appreciate in America:
--CUSTOMER SERVICE: whilst having breakfast in my favorite town, savusavu, I spent approximately 2 1/2 hours walking back and forth through town searching for some panackes. Apparently when a sign says 'Open 8am' it really means 10am. I finally found a place that had some normal pancakes (aka not deep friend half uncooked dough)  I received them alongside some vegemite syrup and had to ask for plain syrup about 4 times. And who doesn't love lukewarm coffee? oh wait, no one does.
--The Little things: Having your feet clean (not sandy) & having air conditioning on vacation
--Just feeling clean and staying that way: My House is an Easy Bake really (temperature-wise, color-wise, and 'cool-as' wise) Thus I will HIGHLY appreciate Air Conditioning! This past year at the heat of summer I recall myself taking 7 showers a day and just wasting away in my 'full body sweats'.
-I think because of the heat, however; you do learn to enjoy the art of doing nothing. I remember many times of just laying on my host families floor staring at my hands and the ceiling, talking about nothing, and drinking lots of grog.
-Amazing friends and family of course

Things I've Struggled With Lately....
-Despite the job as a capacity builder, how do you politely tell a grown adult that they should be washing their hands after they use the restroom? I don't want to seem like that 'pompous American' who thinks they're better...and I also don't want to hurt their feelings
- In the same sense, it's hard to tell women that they need to go specifically to a gynecologist for a check up once a year when it's obvious they have no money to do so, it kind of hurts a little bit....

Feel accomplished when:
-I take clothes off line
-I wear out clothing, a sensation of 'YES, I've used this to it's max capacity'...I can't remember the last time I said that in America

New things that have seen molding:
-cooking apron
-spicket from my wine box
-nose pads on my glasses
-spices...SO annoying!

Story time:
Once upon a time, when I visited my friend Sally in her village...they said 'Yandra Bhaini' to me! so Yandra in Fijian means good morning but Bhaini is Hindi for Sister. This seems random but I remember feeling so appreciative at that moment. Why? Because her village friends recognized that I wasn't working with Fijians but with Indian people, and they made a point to represent that in the language they spoke. I just felt so grateful because I know many people don't think that anything with Indo-Fijians isn't the 'Real Fiji'. I get frustrated at this because not only is it a bit racist but it also disregards all that Indo-Fijians have brought to the country of Fiji...which is a LOT.

Awesome food days- where I found myself giggling to myself like a 12 year old school girl:
-Egg plant parmesan (when I discovered...hey I can cook)
-omelette with Dill
Beignets- compliments of Sandra!
-PB & J fluff sandwich
-Taco salad
-sushi on my b-day (mostly bc of the real cream cheese)
-Eggplant curry at office
-When I discovered Beets!
-cobbler with Kara
-coconut chutney at Christmas

 Mystery Taki Song  **Taki means Chug in Fijian**
It's time for the Mystery Taki
Who gonna get the Mystery Taki
Time for the Mystery Taki
Who's it gonna be!?
It's ME!

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