Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Read me first!

OK so what I've done now to make this easier to read is to section off what I write about. It's not really in chronologicle order but it's easier to read.

Special shoutout to my cousin Carol who I've gotten two incredible packages from! Thank you SO MUCH! It the best feeling to get mail! I feel American again when I do. :0) ALso to my Mom, Your package was SERIOUSLY awesome....just so everyone knows, American junk food IS appreciated. :0) Oh but just so you guys know- oreos are the one american food they do have here. And also any type of book would be greatly appreciated, maybe if you have an old one or something that you thought would be worth the read and is relatively light. Also, I've moved into my new house (which I'm running out of time to I'll tell more about that later) but it's extremely empty. So anything small to decorate my house with (like a picture of you) would be so cool! I'm putting my new address on facebook so if you aren't on facebook then email me for it!

ok, Im definitely out of time and I hope you enjoy the ridiculous things I wrote! I really miss so many of you!! like really.

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