Monday, January 25, 2010

So..I feel like I always talk about the food here...

So I promise this one WON't be about that. :0)
This one's about my new house and new host-fam!

ok so my house is SET now and totally awesome. Again, it's all I need- one bedroom, one long kitchen/sitting room->. And surprisingly there was room in there for a table, COUCH (I'm so luxurious), and a bookshelf that my host fam let me borrow (which they graciously painted everything a lovely PEACH and/or light peach)! I'm in the process up hanging up all my deco's to make it look more home-y. I really enjoy living with a hindi family again; I mean, it can get a little annoying seeing as they can hear everything that I do/they always want me to come and visit their visitors (which they have TONS of since my host dad is a priest), and I usually just want to do my own thing in the evenings. BUT I knew there would be some cultural adjustments and it's totally worth my safety for them to be so close-by. plus I get free hindi food, (I had to mention it) and the lady has gotten much better about letting me prepare my own food. But I just wanted to thank everyone for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers, I definitely got a lot of support from all my friends and family!


  1. Courtney - I officially RSS'ed our blog, meaning every time you put up a new post, I have a little "1" next to your name on my bookmark bar. Just thought you should know. :)

  2. tessa. you da bomb baby. thank man, I appreciate that you care. Hope it's not boring/too long! I remember hating people who wrote long blgos, so I try and keep it interesting. please tell me if it's ever extremely boring. i trust your judgement and honesty

  3. Noted, and don't worry, I will be brutally honest.
