Friday, January 8, 2010

You might want to read me.........

..ok so this one is pretty important. I didn't really want to write about this but I felt like I should as things have been crazy in my life and are fixing to change. I also wanted to wait to write about it until things got better...and now they are, yay!

Ok so, Pretty much in the past 2 months I've had some major security issues at my house. Basically I had multiple break-in's to my house. All were during the night and/or when I was away. They took some things but never left any signs of showing that a thief had been there. I also didn't suspect anything when I'd wake up in the morning/when I'd return home as the person was able to lock the door behind them. One night, however, a Fijian man did come after me while I was asleep. He only minorly assaulted me aka just left a bruise on my arm from when he grabbed me hard on the shoulders to scare me/wake me. That night I learned I have lungs of steel, I guess you could say, as I was able to scream at octaves I never thought I'd reach. Luckily, that scared him and he ran away, which I can only thank god for. Someone was definitely looking out for me that night.

After that though, Peace Corps was great. A lot of changes were made to my house and it was actually quite the fortress. However, even after all new locks/bars and such, the person still made attempts to get in. So my peace corps directors and I decided it wasn't safe for me to be there!

So...I feel like my life was kind of in shambles up until this past week. Just with the hassle of trying to figure out where I was going to live and things like that. BUT we found a place pretty quickly and I'll be pretty much living with a host family again (which at first I was like, oh gosh) BUT I think it's going to be great as I'll still have privacy and will be able to cook my own food. (not allowed to give more details via blog) AND (I know this is kind of ridiculous) I was so sad to leave my papaya trees...BUT then when we saw the house I'll be living at..they totally have 2 papaya trees, 2 banana trees, and ALL kinds of vegetables! whoop! jackpot.

So, actually, I think this will be a good move....PLUS I'm MUCH closer to it cuts my bus time in half! yippee! I was still kind of sad though because I really enjoyed the community I was in, visiting and cooking with the neighbors. But I think this will be good. My Hindi will only get better. :0)

Ok, love you guys! And thanks for all the wonderful Christmas presents from my friends and family! like really, I feel so cool by how many packages Ive gotten! (which is never the case for me) haha


  1. So sorry this happened to you! Thanks for sharing it, though. I find that it's easy to share the good things, and hard to share the ... hard things. Like being assaulted in your own home.

    I'm glad you're OK, and wish you the best for your future service. :)

    ::hugs:: from a fellow PCV

  2. Thanks! I really appreciate it, especially from a fewllow PCV. :0)

    How did you hear about my blog?
