Sunday, September 20, 2009

cuz you had a bad day.....

...takin' one down just to turn it around.

So, I definitely had a pretty rough day on Thursday...not so much that I was stressed out or anything, just the fact I was sick ALL day long. Here's how the story goes. At the moment I'm really not eating a whole lot of meat. For one, it's expensive, and two, it involves some kind of plucking/peeling/shaving/de-boning. so no thanks. I mean, it's not bad, because it's all fresh, but it just involves work. Anyways, the point is I don't eat a lot of meat unless someone cooks it for me...and in that case, I make it a personal goal to get a meat high. So the other night I went to a co-workers going away party and surprise surprise there was like 4 different kinds of meat. Did I eat them all? Yes. Did I eat too much of every kind? Yes.

Did I get sick later that night and all the next day? YES.

I actually think it wa a combination of the fact I rarely eat meat AND the fact that I think some of it was bad. All I can say is that I had an episode. I REFUSE to go into details about the next day. so use your imagination (I recommend not though). All I can say is THANK YOU SWEET JESUS, JISU, and BHAGUAN that the toilet in my workplace was working (for once) that day. Afterwards I went by the peace corps office to get meds and check mail. And my day really took a turn upward from there!(ish) I checked my mail to find a lovely package from my awesome gal, Lorraine, alias LoCo. I didn't want to open it in the office and decided to save it for later. As I was walking down this giant, steep hill that the peace corps office is on...I kept thinking to myself 'Courtney, you're probably going to slip down this business (yes it HAD been raining all week) so you should slow down'....did I slow down? No. Did I take a giant tumble and cut my hand in 2 places? Yes. After a long ride from Suva to Nausori with a wet butt, things did start turning up. I opened my package from Lorraie to find it filled with all things Peruvian, which was super awesome and really made my day! Then I met my friend Krissy, whose hindi name is sosheila so we call her sushi for short, who gave me a dark chocolate candy bar. Thank you sweet Jisu.

Moral of the story- I think the big guy upstairs IS looking out for me. :0) And shoutout to lorraine for the awesome package!

OK, now I'll post another blog about the crazyness of my job.


p.s. As for me and my pumpkin Theif...he got to me again. Running tally:

Tom Foolery- 5
Chandni- 2 (I made pumpkin curyr which was pretty good! but my roti sucks though)

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