Sunday, September 20, 2009

I don't know what I'm doing. Coolio.

So the situation with work at the moment is as follows:

The main guy who practically ran the office decided he needed a month off. I understand that, they over worked him and paid him to little, and he's really cool. But his situation called for an immdeiate vacation and so he left the very next day. Since no one else can run the office like he can, we had to cancel the Diwali Festival Event we were planning which cancelled my plans for the cooking competition. Thats Fijitime for ya. But honestly, it wa probably for the best, right now is a really busy time for the women and I wasn't getting much of a response from them at the moment. So now atthe moment I'm just helping to return emails that come to teh sanatan email. coolio. What am I doing here? I have not a clue. but I like it. I mean, there are 3 parts to my job as a PC volunteer: 1. Share information and skills with people who want to help themselves 2. Learn and experience another culture 3. Share your own culture. At the moment. I think I've maxed out on 2 and I think am doing good on 3. Don't ask me about #1. :0)

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