wake up and sweep the house.... pick a papaya....

These are the Christmas Trees here!! (because the bloom only during Christmas). They're actually really pretty and the pic below is of mom and I wil the Christmas Tree flowers in our hair! (I actually hadn't seen them on my island and so I thought they were rare only to Vanua Levu. So mom and I for sure took pics with them. But to my surprise when I returned back to my house I realizedI had one just right outside!...woops)
Matt, Kelly, Mom and I on Taveuni at the most AWESOME resort! Actually, This was our Thanksgiving night!
This was the sunset from Nakia resort. YES I FINALLY got to enjoy the fruits of where I'm at...
And NO I do not live ANYWHERE near here. I am 100% jealous of the volunteers who are though. Bahhhhh I still can't believe I went there! This was the beach from Coconut Grove
Scariest Bus ride e.v.e.r. It might not look that scary but when the guy is flying up and down mountainous lands with muddy dirt roads and no railing...you'd pee yourself too.
We started off the first week meeting all my host family.,..which was good but probably TOO MUCH visiting. My aunts, host brother and family, host sister, and of course main host dad's house as well as neighbors and friends in the area. Lots of Curry's, some of Nancy's best including: chicken curry, coconut chutney, tamarind chutney, pumpkin, egglpant, and lamb curry with puri which won the award for, and I quote,'This is teh best meal I've ever had in my life.' -Nancy Goodson. :0) However, with so much visiting visiting visiting... It starts to wear on you, anbd plus being force fed a bunch of indian food 24/7 gets old after about 5 minutes!