Tuesday, December 8, 2009

On the boat again....(sung to the tune of 'On the road again')

The next day, mom and I ventured out to Kioa, the only island of Fiji that is from Polynesian descent and also where 2 volunteers FROM TEXAS are serving. :0) After the fiber boat ride over (yes..I DID bide my Peace corps rules and wore my ridiculous life vest while every fijian was laughing). But check out Mom and Matt (an awesome fellow Aggie!) and our cool Kioan boat driver in the back.

The view from their house...yeah. And I swear it sparkled even more in the sunlight

Matt and Kelly Roy living on Kioa island!

After I saw where the other vol's were living i was instantly 100% jealous as I realized this couple was living my dream. They're living in a tiny village tucked away on a random island (with a beautiful beachfront property). I know everyone thinks I'm just a few minutes away from the beach somewhere but thats so NOT TRUE. I'm hours away from a pretty beach. but anyways, I was still happy to be visiting and it was neat to see some of the Kioan traditions. Instead of the meke (Fiji's national island dance) these people play a riser, i guess you could say. about 8 men sit around a foot tall wood riser and beat it like a drum. But each man is playing a different beat. Super cool. For these celebrations the 12 elder men sit against wood poles in the community hall while the families sit close behind. After a few speeches and masu (prayer) everyone eats! After this celebration mom, matt, rachel and I all went snorkeling off this island. It was pretty good snorkeling with like 30 ft visibility. And lots of sea cucumbers! Later that night Fancy Nancy got the full peace corps experience as we battled 2 persistent mice. (it just happens people)

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